The Full Story
The Art of
Sacred Postpartum
Sacred Belly Bind + Sealing Ceremony Mini Webinar

This online training is for all birth workers!
Do you want to learn to the ART of SACRED BELLY BINDING and the HEALING of sealing ceremonies for POSTPARTUM WOMEN?
Sacred Postpartum is offering a short webinar class that will include an audio, video, articles, and soul prompts. We will take a deep look at healing body, mind, + spirit of the postpartum woman through these techniques.
Send an email to valerie@sacredpostpartum.net to reserve your spot if you want to add these SACRED skills to your DOULA and/or BIRTH BAG of goodies!
COST : $333.
When you have finished the training you will be a Certified Sacred Belly Bind Wrap Artist through Sacred Postpartum + you'll receive our badge to display on your website for postpartum mamas looking for special care!
This program is run as a two-day webinar and is all pre-recorded so you DO NOT need to be there at a certain time. The morning of the training, you will get an email explaining all of the details on how to proceed. You must complete the "homework" that goes along with the class to get the certified seal.

Jasmin Williams: I signed up for the Belly Binding Class to learn the basics of belly binding and the benefits of it. What I was able to experience was far more than only learning about the Bind. I was able to indulge in the spiritual and sacred ways of honoring the Maiden into Motherhood transformation. I shed some tears along the way and was in awe of the true beauty of it all. I loved that I was able to find sisterhood and talk to women that think alike. I am so thankful for this class and feel I can enrich another woman's life with the knowledge I gained through this class.
Jesika Homeijer Wachter: As a postpartum doula I am always interested in new and beautiful ways to support my new mama's. When I heard about sacred belly binding's online training I didn't have to blink before signing up. Anni is amazing and knowledgable and inspiring. The course is presented in such a beautiful way and it really warmed my heart to be a part of. She even included a few extras that I wasn't expecting that really rounded out the experience. I happily recommend this course and will be taking more sacred workshops going forward!
Sara Vale: The Sacred Pregnancy Belly Bind webinar was amazing. As a doula, it interested me for professional reasons. I thought I would be getting tools and knowledge to learn the benefits of the belly binding and how to do it. It was much, much more. The whole webinar was very well organized, and interactions with fellow sisters also enrolled in the training, started way before the first day. I loved how things could be done at my own pace, being a working momma of two little boys. I also loved sharing with the other amazing women in the group my findings and working assignments. What inspired me the most was how generous the whole webinar is. It´s like I stepped into a world of (in the words of the lovely Nina Lee) of “Love and Faith, Trust and Grace”. There is a whole feeling, setting, context that surrounds the information given that is passed to us, and that is definitely not easy to achieve in a long distance learning guide. But Sacred Pregnancy really did it. I look at post partum is a whole new way now, and hope to do justice to the amazing things I learned. Looking forward to enrolling in more trainings such as these. But most of all, going to a live retreat. I want to experience all this great sisterhood in person as well. Thank you Anni for being so generous, caring, attentive and inspiring.
Beth Braswell Witherup: I started following Sacred Pregnancy a while back. I loved all the bonding of women I saw on every Facebook post. Then I remember seeing something about diastasis recti and the bengkung binding and I was immediately intrigued. I had a separation of about a fist and I hated it. I wanted to do the exercises to help correct it but with three boys around that was a bit hard spending 45 mins in addition to my regular exercises. So my search was on to figure out how I could benefit with my next pregnancy. And let me just say this, the bengkung belly binding is a very well kept secret!!!! When I couldn't find a sacred pregnancy sister close by I tried to see if I could do it on my own. Yea that wasn't happening. So I finally after stalking the sacred pregnancy website and a whole bunch of independent sacred pregnancy fb pages and emailing like crazy I found a sweet lady in Asheville named myriam who was willing to drive almost hours one way to come give the ceremonial sealing bath, moxibustion, and bring me some amazing tea, and then bind me. And it felt amazing. I've never had such a sweet soul come wait on me and I finally felt like I had become a woman (and I already had 3 other kiddos). I felt like that (along with my first homebirth) had finally crossed over and done my initiation into womanhood and my reward was a sweet precious baby. And the binding felt amazing! It was so supportive and my back wasn't killing me with breast feeding. I wore it as much as I could and loved it! My midwife told me I smelled like a chai tea and when I went to my two week check up my uterus was completely back down and back in place. Finally after 6 weeks I quit wearing it and my fist size separation is down to a little over 2 fingers. I love it and recommend it to everyone!!!!!
Staci Caspers: I couldn't have picked a better sisterhood to be apart of thru Sacred Pregnancy and the Belly Binding Class. The fact that women, from all over, want to learn a sacred ceremony to cherish other woman and their journey into mother is beyond amazing.....it is magical and sacred. I am lucky, honored and humbled....I am proud. Thank you Anni and the rest of the sisterhood.
Daijeri Smith: "The very damaging and frightening part of postpartum is the lack of perspective and the lack of priority and understanding what is really important." -Brooke Shields These words held so true for my own postpartum experience, particularly with my second child. In my community, women were praised for bouncing back immediately and this is what I grew up around. Women coming home and going straight to work or straight to housework. So when I had my children, I tried to follow suit. However, for me it was so difficult. I would find myself alone in the kitchen crying rivers of tears, wondering why I was so weak when they were so strong. Why could I not immediately bounce back and prepare a meal for my family and guests the day after giving birth the way my female relatives had? And so this was the guilt and shame I carried with me through my postpartum times with my second child, culminating in postpartum depression. This sense of failure lingered on with me, more so than I think I even realized. So when I came to expect my third child, I wanted things to be different. Some internet searches led me to find Sacred Pregnancy. I was immediately drawn in by the beautiful artwork and the photos of the retreat. These women looked like beautiful goddesses and I knew I wanted to be a part of this. Unfortunately, with our finances as they were, a retreat was not in the works for me. The online retreats were not available at that time. Fast forward nearly 2 years and imagine my sheer elation upon seeing an online postpartum retreat available. Sacred belly binding and sealing. I immediately signed up, thinking that if nothing else, I would learn a beautiful trade to pass on to my doula clients. But what I have gotten was so much more. Upon doing the bath and the journal contemplations,I have uncovered so much of myself and i truly believe I have experienced healing from my own difficult postpartum periods. If only I had had a Sacred woman in my life then, I cannot help but feel it could have been so different for me. So to be able to take this to my community and offer it to other women means the world to me. I am eternally grateful to Anni for what she has created and I can't wait to continue my own sacred journey. I don't think I have shut up about it to any who have listened to me lately. I encourage every woman to join a retreat of some kind. They are so very transformative.
Nichole Jackson: When I initially signed up for the Sealing Ceremony and Belly Binding, I was really only interested in the Belly Binding. I had heard of diastasis recti before and felt that it was something I had. I heard that belly binding could help correct that. I had looked into several bindings, but never purchased one. So when I saw the opportunity for the training, I felt it would be perfect because I could not only help myself, but offer is as a service to my doula clients (and it looked pretty). I really didn't think the Sealing Ceremony would speak to me but... I was so wrong. I was in tears after the first day because I was so moved. It really made sense to honor women and help them close, both emotionally and physically, after birth. I really believe that every woman deserves this!