The Full Story
The Art of
Sacred Postpartum

Meet Valerie
Valerie Wiesner is the author and creator of Sacred Wise Woman for the Sacred Living Movement, + Master & Mother to Sacred Postpartum Traditions. Valerie lives her life with an open heart, serving her community locally, and virtually worldwide. She recognizes the innate wisdom women hold and encourages finding your center and power, sparking your soul's passion, calling, and strength.
Valerie offers personal sacred midwifery and postpartum services including pregnancy retreats, free community pregnancy care and education to Northern Arizona families, also training women globally in the art of Sacred Postpartum Traditions.
Valerie lives tucked away in a log cabin in the mountains of Arizona, where she grows most of her vegetables and fruit + enough salsa to feed an army... also fifteen children, some chickens, and thrives with her soulmate Joseph.