The Full Story
The Art of
Sacred Postpartum

Kelly Edwards
London, Ontario
Contact: happyrockholistics@live.com
Kelly is the owner & operator of Happy Rock Holistics. She has been very interested in Holistic Health and wellness for quite some time.
Starting out with Holistic Spa Therapy- working with herbs & botanical infusions specially created for specific skin conditions. Combining massage, and passion into deep tissue! Specializing with pregnancy, infants, as well as hot stone massage! I have really enjoyed my journey with essential oils as well. Teaching workshops, as well as making botanical products.
“Sacred Pregnancy is this really beautiful movement I came across when I was pregnant. My naturopath at Rebirth Wellness told me about it!! I remember feeling such a connection with this 'love labour' talk and creating positivity around birth. They were holding live retreats around the world- a little too costly for a mama about to go on mat leave. So I wrote to them time and time again telling them how much I love their work!
Than it appeared!! ONLINE courses available. Amazing. I was finally able to be apart of this Sacred movement.
I, of course signed up for every course they introduced..until they just kept on coming out with more courses that is.
I knew I was hooked on Sacred Pregnancy. The stunning photography, Anni Daulter's beautifully written novel 'Sacred Pregnancy' that every pregnant woman should journal in. I had completed two out of four courses thus far.
With lots of sharing with other like minded women, lots of deep work, and mind shifting to a higher vibration..
It's finally come time to attend A LIVE RETREAT training in Panama City Beach!!”
Kelly is now a Certified Mother Roaster in London Ontario, and even has her very own video made of her honouring one of her clients: https://youtu.be/WBdNf-9kFPk
She has been honouring women for 5 years, but is feeling even more excited after attending a recent live retreat for Sacred Postpartum.
If you or a friend are looking for a kind soul to honour you please contact Kelly at happyrockholistics@live.com
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